Certification Information & Addiction Counseling Schools in Michigan
Requirements For Certification in Michigan
According to the Michigan Certification Board for Addiction Professionals, (MCBAP) specific competency standards are required to enter into the field of a substance abuse professional or addiction counseling. The MCBAP offers many different types of accreditations and credentials. This includes:
- CAADC - Certified Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor
- CADC - Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor
- CCS - Certified Clinical Supervisor
- CPS - Certified Prevention Specialist
- CPC-R - Certified Prevention Consultant
- CCJP - Certified Criminal Justice Professional
- CCDP - Certified Co-occurring Disorders Professional
- CCDP - D - Certified Co-occurring Disorders Professional Diplomat
- CPR - M - Certified Peer Recovery Mentor - Michigan
The MCBAP has a credentialing process, and includes common requirements for most of the above certifications. This includes:
- A specific amount of hours regarding experience
- The appropriate education at an accredited college or university
- A specific amount of hours with direct supervision
- Testing and exams
The education level begins at an Associate’s Degree, but many can go on to a Bachelor's or Master's, depending on your certification choice for addiction counseling.
For more requirement information please visit http://www.mcbap.com/Require.htm
Also available online is a downloadable PDF with helpful instructions on how to apply for accreditation and credentials - this can be found by visiting http://www.mcbap.com/cacr_manual_instructions.pdf
Schools in Michigan Offering Addiction Counseling or Substance Abuse Programs
Michigan has one of the top Substance Abuse Counseling Schools in the country. The University of Detroit Mercy in Detroit, MI is considered one of the top 25 regional universities in the Midwest. This is according to the U.S News and World Report. At Detroit Mercy, they offer a Master of Arts in Addiction Counseling, including a licensure as a Professional Counselor (LPC) program.
Other schools offering Addiction Counseling in Michigan include:
Grand Rapids Community College
At GRCC, a certificate program is offered for Addiction Studies. This course prepares the students to serve as a substance abuse counselor, residential care counselors and specialists in drug or sobriety courts. The program also helps enhance and further education those already involved in the field of substance abuse councelors.
More information can be found by visiting http://cms.grcc.edu/criminal-justice/addiction-studies-certificate
Eastern Michigan University
EMU offers a Master of Arts in Counseling through their Department of Leadership and Counseling. This program is specifically developed for students who want licensure as a Professional Counselor. Successful candidates accepted into the program can expect 600 hours of a supervised counseling internship experience.
More information can be found by visiting here.
Michigan State University
MSU offers a Certificate Program in Addictions Studies, through their School of Social Work. Students who want to pursue a career in the field of substance abuse or addiction counseling, must incorporate certain requirements, which includes field placement in a mental health or addictions environment.
For more information please visit